Terms and conditions of sale
EnviroMate100TMs are available from Connovation Ltd.
contact: Duncan
TEL: 027 273 4888
Orders of over 48 units or more are still directly available from Eco-land Ltd.
email: enviromate100@gmail.com
TEL : 021 326563
Prices ex Eco-Land Ltd are valid until 31 October 2022
Prices exclude GST.
Freight can be arranged at cost
Once your order is received we will send you an order confirmation.
Payment is to be made at the time of confirming order.
The supply of goods is subject to availability.
We warrant the goods to be sound and operational at the time of dispatch.
Eco-land Ltd. offer a 12 month operational and manufacture fault warranty on enviroMate100TM,
subject to purchaser having undertaken the short training course offered. Training is provided to
ensure most elements leading to misuse can be avoided. Training also provides users with best
practice operational standards to ensure clean, safe and effective pest control is achieved. No
warranty will be offered in the event of misuse. Product support is available during standard working